February is around the corner already! Here are 5 fun idea to do in your middle or high school math classroom:
1) Give out Math Valentines!

I like to grab some pencil packs from Target's Dollar spot, and attach the cards with some ribbon.
My cards have the following sayings:
You are acute-y pi!
You are sweet as pi!
Without you, I couldn't FUNCTION!
6x+5i < 6x+3i+6u
5i < 3i + 6u
2i < 6u
i <3 u
You're really SUM-thing!
Download here for free!

2) Valentine's Day Algebra Riddle - Quadratic Equations
A fun way for your students to practice solving quadratic equations by factoring with a fun Valentine's Day theme! Students match equations to solutions to reveal the answer to a riddle, so students will know right away if they've solved correctly!
** In the MTL Membership! Or you can click here.
3) Heart Tangram Puzzle:

Give your students a little geometry challenge and test their spatial awareness!
Cut out the pieces on colorful paper and let them go!
Download here for free!

4) Geometry Color by Number - Proportional Parts and Right Triangle Trig
Students enjoy coloring the valentine's picture, while solving proportional parts or trig problems.
In the MTL Membership,

Or click here for proportional parts, and here for trig.
5) Valentine's Graphing Scramble
Students graph 10 linear equations from slope-intercept form. These lines will lead the students to a set of letters that they will then unscramble to see a Valentine message!

Download for free here: